rare tea

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Ancient Green

Ancient Green

Our favorite green tea. Picked from 1000 year old tea trees, this green tea’s flavor and aroma are well balanced and refreshing with notes of melon, flowers and toasted pine nut. The finish is sweet, smooth and slightly more pungent than green teas from Eastern China due to the rare tea tree varietals used to make this tea.

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Mountain Green

Mountain Green

Also known as the Green Pearl for its pleasing shape and color, our whole-leaf green tea is rolled into evenly  sized little balls which “blossom” under hot water to produce a full, rich and smooth cup of refreshing green tea.

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Jasmine Green

Jasmine Green

The production of our Jasmine teas begins with the finest tea leaves that are scented with fresh jasmine blossoms in the classic manner.  This traditional method of hand-making jasmine tea assures the connoisseur of a rich aromatic flavor that is perfectly balanced to the taste of the leaf.


A superior lightly oxidized green oolong tea from Taiwan – whose famous high mountain gardens provide the perfect environment in which to cultivate its large, distinctively fragrant leaves.

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Ancient Black

Ancient Black

This tea is everything a good black tea should be: rich flavor, sweetly fragrant, delicately floral, and deliciously refreshing at any time of the day.